Let’s Make a Cloth Sandwich: Textile Explorations at the DuPage Children’s Museum January-March 2019
Let’s Make a Cloth Sandwich explores the artistic, cultural and historic aspects of quilting with children and their families. A quilt is essentially a cloth sandwich with a top, which is usually decorated; a bottom; and a filler. A quilt has multiple purposes: to keep us warm, to express our political views, to decorate, to recall a loved one or tell a story. The process of creating a quilt is a collaborative and social art endeavor. I shared a multitude of textile processes with children and their families in the Art Studio at DuPage Children’s Museum. They then created a cloth sandwich over a period of three months. Participants became designers, makers, sewers, and printmakers. In the end, our cloth sandwich became a quilt that incorporated drawing, relief printmaking, silkscreen and dyed textiles made by visitors to DCM.